Topical Messages Topical Teachings God WANTS Losers! 1 Corinthians 1:17-2:5 (7-28-2024) by Keith Kraska The Progressive Revelation of Jesus as the Messiah (5-26-2024) by Adam Novick The Bema Seat of Jesus Christ (4-14-2024) by Pastor Bob Hermeneutics (3-3-2024) by Adam Novick Why Do Christians Have to Suffer? 1 Peter 4:12-19 (1-7-2024) by Keith Kraska Palm Sunday 2024: The Triumphal Entry (3-24-2024) New Year’s Eve 2023 Walking With Christ in 2024: Ephesians 5 (12-31-2023) Christmas Eve 2023 Isaiah 9 (12-24-2023) Keith Kraska: Why Do Christians Have to Suffer? 1 Peter 4:12-19 (1-7-2024) Adam Novick: Will Jesus Welcome You or Tell You to Depart From Him? (10-15-2023) Keith Kraska: The Holiness of God’s People (10-8-2023) Noah Giunta: Psalm 1 (7-9-2023) Keith Kraska: An Encounter With God (7-2-2023) Pastor Fred: When we are weak, He is strong (5-31-2023) Pastor Fred:God Performs Miracles Through Obedient Servants (4-23-2023) Pastor Fred:Resurrection Sunday 2023: Proof That Jesus Christ is Alive (4-9-2023) Pastor Fred: Palm Sunday 2023: Has Jesus Rode Into Your Heart? (4-2-2023) Adam Novick: Worship: Service, Sacrifice and Submission (10-30-2022) Keith Kraska: Salvation Is Only From God (10-23-2022) Adam Novick: Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology (7-31-2022) Pastor Bob: The Coming Millennium Kingdom of Jesus Christ (5-22-2022) Guest Speaker Pastor Jim Payne and The Umbrella of Truth (2-26-2022)